Because you are able to turn the heart of the king like a stream of water, we ask you to work in the government of Vietnam so that the good news of Jesus Christ might not be silenced. Where persecution and opposition remain, remind Vietnamese believers that the Word of God is not chained. We also ask that the Vietnamese government might rule justly and mercifully, for the good of the people. In all things, preserve the faith of your church.
For the many who live in poverty, we ask that provision might be made through the ministries and generosity of your people and through an improved economy. May the people of Vietnam realize their dependence on you and may they feel compelled to give thanks to the God who sends rain on the just and the unjust. May your goodness cause them to look up to their Creator for help. Ultimately, may the poor of Vietnam also be poor in spirit, and so inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Be merciful, oh God, to the masses of Vietnamese made in your image, even as you have been merciful to us. For the sake of your great name,