Father in Heaven,

We are thankful for your promises that you will never leave your people (Matt 28:20) and that even the gates of hell will not prevail against your church (Matt 16:18). So with confidence, we approach your throne with the needs of our fellow Vietnamese believers.

First, draw them into deeper communion with you, both as individuals and as local congregations. May they know you better, follow you closer, and love you more.

Second, bless them with a supernatural love and unity. Give local churches the ability to work together. Guard believers from strife, dissension, and division. Rather, make their care for one another genuine, humble, and sacrificial. Use the love and unity you grant them to testify to your love and unity, and draw a lost and hurting of Vietnam to yourself.

Third, give them boldness, wisdom, clarity, and faithfulness when it comes to sharing you with others. Lead them by your Spirit and in your power. Help them to make the most of every opportunity they have to speak of you and proclaim the gospel. Go before them, walk beside them, and come behind them. Bless them with great fruitfulness. May your glory and your love drive them as they fear you and not man.

This leads to our fourth and final request – that you sustain and protect them through various kinds of persecution, whether it come from officials or from fellow citizens. Help their resolve in your gospel to be unwavering. Give them joy in their trials, perseverance, comfort, eternal perspective, and continued opportunity to speak boldly. In their suffering, magnify yourself as you use them to save the souls of many more.

May your church in Vietnam embody their call to be salt and light to the world around them (Matt 5:13-16).

In Jesus’ name. Amen.