Dec 1, 2022 | People Groups, Unengaged, Unreached, UPG, UUPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR THE LO LO Pray for the Lo Lo people group of Vietnam. The Lo Lo population is about 4,500 and they live in the rural areas of the northern provinces. Pray the Holy Spirit would begin working in the hearts of the Lo Lo people. Pray that God...
Nov 14, 2022 | People Groups, Unengaged, Unreached, UPG, UUPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR THE TAY AND NUNG OF NORTHERN VIETNAM This week we pray for the Tay, the largest ethnic minority group in Vietnam, and the Nung, one of the other largest ethnic minority groups. Their combined population is 3,000,000. They live primarily in...
Nov 3, 2022 | People Groups, Unengaged, Unreached, UPG, UUPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR THE MUONG PEOPLE Today we will be lifting the Muong people group before the throne of God. The Muong come from the same historical roots as the Vietnamese and although they speak a different language, their languages do share some...
Oct 24, 2022 | People Groups, Unengaged, Unreached, UPG, UUPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR THE KHMER KROM Today we pray for the Khmer Krom. Many boys and young men, typically from the age of eight to 20 yrs. old will become monks at a Buddhist temple. They will remain there from one to five years and sometimes for life. Often it is...
Oct 17, 2022 | Prayer, Students, University
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN HO CHI MINH CITY Many university students are hearing the gospel for the first time in HCMC through Christian campus ministries. Many are attending Bible studies and believing! Pray for these new believers that their...