Dec 30, 2015 | People Groups, Unreached, UPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM UNREACHED - THE THAI OF VIETNAM Vietnam has 74 unique people groups with their own languages and cultures. Of these 74, only 3 are considered to be reached with the gospel, 48 are unreached, and 23 are still unengaged, unreached. This post highlights...
Dec 23, 2015 | Persecution, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM Bringing Home the Gospel, Part 4 Earlier we shared with you about Su who became a Christian outside of Vietnam and then brought the gospel back to her home village, facing persecution from the government and her community. This is a fictional story...
Dec 16, 2015 | Persecution, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM Bringing Home the Gospel, Part 3 Earlier we shared with you about Su who became a Christian outside of Vietnam and then brought the gospel back to her home village, facing persecution from the government and her community. This is a fictional story...
Dec 9, 2015 | Persecution, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM Bringing Home the Gospel, Part 2 Earlier we shared with you about Su who became a Christian outside of Vietnam and then brought the gospel back to her home village, facing persecution from the government and her community. This is a fictional story...
Dec 2, 2015 | Persecution, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM Bringing Home the Gospel, Part 1 This is the first of a four-part, fictional story based off of real life events. It is not a true depiction of one person’s life, but intended to be an example of the types of persecution that Vietnamese people face in...