Feb 15, 2023 | Answered Prayer, Great Commission, Prayer
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR FAITHFUL FRIENDS SHARING THE GOSPEL Faithful Friends Sharing the Gospel Saan’s family is the only one in his village that follows the Creator God. When Saan shared with a young couple, the wife wanted to believe but the husband was not...
Apr 29, 2017 | Answered Prayer, Christians
PRAY FOR VIETNAM TRUE REPENTANCE... When she heard the Good News, she responded, “Yes, I believe, and want to follow God.” When the two people who shared with her talked about change and repentance, she wanted to take down her family altar that is used to worship the...
Jun 9, 2015 | Answered Prayer, Christians, Church, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM GOD CONTINUES TO ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS! During the month of May, we asked you to pray intentionally and specifically for the people of Vietnam. We recently shared two stories (Kevin’s and Beth’s) of how God is already answering your prayers....
May 25, 2015 | Answered Prayer, Christians, Church, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM GOD IS AT WORK IN VIETNAM: BETH'S OPPORTUNITY Over the past weeks, we have asked you to pray intentionally for the people of Vietnam. We recently received a report of how God is working in Vietnam and wanted to share this story with you. Your prayers...