Sep 23, 2015 | Children, Culture, Parenting
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PARENTING BY SUPERSTITION Superstitious beliefs and practices are common among many people who practice some form of animism. As many of the peoples of Vietnam practice ancestor worship and pay homage to spirits of all kinds, they perform...
May 27, 2015 | Abortion, Children, Family, Social Issues
PRAY FOR VIETNAM SANCTITY OF LIFE To many young Vietnamese people today, abortion is just another means of contraception. About 40 percent of pregnancies in Vietnam end in abortion according to a report by doctors in Hanoi. The concept of the sanctity of life is not...
Mar 10, 2015 | Children, City, Orphans, Street Children
PRAY FOR VIETNAM VIETNAM'S INVISIBLE CHILDREN All over Vietnam’s major cities, people often overlook the thousands of children who live and work on the busy, urban streets. Some children live on the streets with their parents. Some leave their families in rural areas...