Nov 11, 2015 | Church Leaders, Interview, Persecution, Prayer
PRAY FOR VIETNAM How Do You ...? We asked. They answered honestly and with conviction. Read the words from Vietnamese church leaders below as they tell us what life is like as a Christian in Vietnam. *Note: Names and other information has been omitted for security...
Sep 9, 2015 | Church Leaders, Interview, Persecution, Prayer
PRAY FOR VIETNAM In His Own Words What follows below is an interview with a Vietnamese church leader. His name has not been included for security reasons, and some information has been added or deleted for clarity and security purposes. Q: How did you become a...
May 22, 2015 | Christians, Church Leaders, Persecution
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PERSECUTION When asked about how Christians around the world could pray for the persecuted believers in Vietnam, Te,* a church leader and trainer, simply said, “We don’t pray for [persecution] to go away or for freedom…We pray for the gospel to have...
May 21, 2015 | Christians, Church, Church Leaders, Government
PRAY FOR VIETNAM BUILDING A REPUTATION Though the church faces opposition in Vietnam, they are not remaining silent. Christians are showing Christ’s love to others around them in many ways. In some parts of Vietnam, believers have begun ministering to people who...
May 14, 2015 | Christians, Church, Church Leaders, Unity
PRAY FOR VIETNAM UNIFIED IN THE FAITH As more Vietnamese people come to faith in Christ, the need for unity among believers is crucial to getting the gospel to more people and planting more churches. Already churches are working together, praying for each other,...
May 7, 2015 | Church, Church Leaders, Equipping, Training
PRAY FOR VIETNAM TRAINING TIMOTHYS One of the biggest challenges in the Vietnamese church is training and equipping leaders. The communist government has typically restricted the church’s ability to train pastors, especially those from rural areas. In recent years in...