Feb 15, 2023 | Answered Prayer, Great Commission, Prayer
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR FAITHFUL FRIENDS SHARING THE GOSPEL Faithful Friends Sharing the Gospel Saan’s family is the only one in his village that follows the Creator God. When Saan shared with a young couple, the wife wanted to believe but the husband was not...
Dec 19, 2022 | Great Commission, Prayer, Unity
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAY FOR THE TITHING OF THE TASK Tithing for the Task The fellowships on the lake have been tithing for over four years. They have a bank account and have been able to purchase land with the tithe. Every Sunday afternoon the believers visit homes in...
Mar 31, 2015 | Great Commission, People Groups, Unreached, UPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM WHO ARE THE UNREACHED? We’ve been throwing around words—like people group, unreached, unengaged, lost, reached—that may have left you scratching your head, wondering exactly what we mean. Over the next two weeks, we will share a series of blog...