May 6, 2017 | Animism, Religion, Spiritual Barriers, Unreached
PRAY FOR VIETNAM BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS Ask God to break down the barriers that are keeping the Vietnamese from coming to Him. Ask Him to create a hunger in their hearts to know the Most High God. “O Lord, the gospel has been veiled to the Vietnamese who are...
Jul 22, 2015 | Buddhism, Religion
PRAY FOR VIETNAM BUDDHISM – THE SHORT VERSION Since Buddhism is prominent in Vietnam, we thought it would be helpful to give an overview of the religion. What is Buddhism? Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as answering who, what, when, where, why, and how. Buddhism...
May 26, 2015 | Catholicism, Religion
PRAY FOR VIETNAM VIETNAMESE CATHOLICS Tu* attends weekly Catholic mass where she lifts hopeful prayers to Mary. Every morning she helps her mother kneel at the family altar to Tu’s father who has passed away. On her way to school, Tu stops by an altar to the tree...
May 24, 2015 | Ancestral Worship, Family, Religion, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM COMMEMORATING LOST LOVED ONES Hao* welcomes waves of people into his home today. Friends crowd his sitting room sipping on the hot green tea his wife prepared for them. He smiles and nods at the turn out, feeling honored that so many have come to...
May 20, 2015 | Ancestral Worship, Idols, Religion
PRAY FOR VIETNAM A CULTURE OF IDOLS Idols and altars abound throughout the country of Vietnam. Small bowls filled with food and burning incense sit outside the entrance to most restaurants. Larger shrines with photos of deceased ancestors and their daily offerings are...
May 17, 2015 | Ancestral Worship, Animism, Religion
PRAY FOR VIETNAM SPIRITS ALL AROUND Throughout Vietnam, the fear and worship of spirits grips the hearts of many. Mirrors or strips of cloth above doorways ward off evil spirits. Sacrifices and rituals invite the spirits of trees, houses, harvests, etc. to bless the...