Aug 5, 2015 | Culture, Video
PRAY FOR VIETNAM VIETNAM RUNS ON COFFEE Coffee is a favorite among Vietnamese people. Coffee shops come in various sizes from the Vietnamese equivalent of Starbucks to the coffee vendor on the street with plastic stools. Many countries around the world enjoy...
Jul 1, 2015 | Ho Chi Minh City, Prayer, Video
PRAY FOR VIETNAM A PRAYER FOR HO CHI MINH CITY Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, lies in southern Vietnam along the Siagon River and north of the Mekong River. It is Vietnam’s largest and fastest growing city, the hub for economic and financial development. Like much...
Jun 17, 2015 | Buddhism, Prayer, Video
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PRAYING FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN BUDDHISTS More than fifty percent of the population of Vietnam profess to be Buddhists. As you watch the video below, pray with us that the Buddhists of this country will come to know Jesus as the one true God and will...