PRAY FOR THE TAY AND NUNG OF NORTHERN VIETNAMThis week we pray for the Tay, the largest ethnic minority group in Vietnam, and the Nung, one of the other largest ethnic minority groups. Their combined population is 3,000,000. They live primarily in 12 different provinces between Hanoi and the Chinese border. There are fewer than 200 believers among these two people groups.
- Please pray that the Holy Spirit would convict the Tay and Nung peoples of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8) and their need for a Savior. Pray that this would result in many of them coming to faith in Christ, and that their transformed lives would be a testimony to non-believers.
- The Christmas holiday is becoming more and more popular in Vietnam every year. Please pray that during this upcoming Christmas season, many Tay and Nung people will understand the true meaning of Christmas, would hear the Gospel message, and would pray to receive Jesus!