To many young Vietnamese people today, abortion is just another means of contraception. About 40 percent of pregnancies in Vietnam end in abortion according to a report by doctors in Hanoi. The concept of the sanctity of life is not widely taught, and overall, abortion is not taboo in Vietnamese society. Though the government’s two-child policy has been lifted, the effects of such ideals still influence families to have selective gender abortions. These are sad reminders that Vietnam has one of the highest rates of abortion in the world.

For more on the issue of abortion in Vietnam, read these news articles. The news agencies below are in no way affiliated with

How you can pray:

  • Pray for Vietnamese people to learn that life begins at conception. Ask that families will cherish each child they are given no matter what gender.
  • Pray that the gospel would transform Vietnamese young people in the way they think and act about sexual immorality and abortion.


Throughout the month of May 2015, we are asking individuals, families, groups of friends, small groups, and churches to join with us and commit to pray for the peoples of Vietnam. We will be posting stories and sharing ways to pray daily through the blog, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also download a prayer guide and other resources here.