A typical Pa Hng home is only complete with an ancestor altar. The Pa Hng (also called Pa Then) are avid ancestor worshippers, often calling on the spirits of the dead to share in feasts and protect the family from injury and sickness. Pa Hng people feed their ancestors by placing rice and meat on the table for them each meal.

Of the 7,200 Pa Hng people living in northern Vietnam, about 100 are followers of Christ. They currently have no Christian resources available in their own language, not even a copy of God’s word.

Will you pray for the Pa Hng of Vietnam?

  • Pray that Pa Hng Christians will stand strong in their faith in the midst of persecution. Ask God to give them understanding of the Vietnamese Scriptures as they grow in their walk with Christ.
  • Pray for the Pa Hng Christians to have passion and zeal to share their faith with their families and friends. Ask God to soften the hearts of their families and friends and to bring them to Himself.
  • Pray that God will open the door for discipleship and training opportunities among the Pa Hng Christians as they seek to mature in their faith.
  • Ask God to raise up leaders among the Pa Hng Christians as they meet together to worship and study the Bible. Pray that these leaders will have vision to reach out to the Pa Hng who don’t yet know Christ.

For more on the Pa Hng people, visit our people groups page.