May 30, 2015 | Christians, Family, Persecution
PRAY FOR VIETNAM FAMILY MATTERS In many Asian cultures, family is integral in most parts of life. This is also true in Vietnam where multiple generations often live in the same house. Traditions, customs, and spiritual beliefs are passed down from generation to...
May 28, 2015 | Christians, Persecution, Training
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PERSECUTION TRAINING Many Vietnamese Christians begin facing persecution within 24 hours of believing in Christ. For this reason, church leaders spend time teaching new believers how to withstand persecution. Through trainings, new believers know that...
May 22, 2015 | Christians, Church Leaders, Persecution
PRAY FOR VIETNAM PERSECUTION When asked about how Christians around the world could pray for the persecuted believers in Vietnam, Te,* a church leader and trainer, simply said, “We don’t pray for [persecution] to go away or for freedom…We pray for the gospel to have...
May 8, 2015 | Persecution, World Watch List
PRAY FOR VIETNAM IS THE WORLD WATCHING? According to Open Doors International, Vietnam has moved to the #16 spot on the World Watch List for persecution of Christians. So what does this mean? In 2014 violence against Christians continued with reports of church...
May 1, 2015 | Government, Persecution, Story
PRAY FOR VIETNAM BEATEN BUT NOT BROKEN Vietnamese Christians often face persecution for their faith. Living in a communist country, they are often watched and called in for questioning by the authorities. Christianity is still viewed by many in the communist...
Apr 24, 2015 | Persecution, World Watch List
PRAY FOR VIETNAM Climbing the Persecution List Open Doors International is an organization that works to benefit persecuted believers in some of the world’s most oppressive countries. One way Open Doors serves the persecuted church is through researching and compiling...