How Do You ...?We asked. They answered honestly and with conviction. Read the words from Vietnamese church leaders below as they tell us what life is like as a Christian in Vietnam.
*Note: Names and other information has been omitted for security purposes.
How do you … remain faithful in persecution?
“I know that I must have a personal walk with the Lord. We must be realizing that we are weak—we have to let go and let God. I recount the latest incident where I thought, ‘This is the end.’ Then I am reminded that the Lord [is faithful].”
“[I know that my] faith is in God and Jesus Christ. We believe what we are doing is right. I vowed [from the beginning] never to quit.”
“I am willing to die for my faith. I was trained [by other Christians]. I quote verses from the book of John. Our people are like sheep before the wolves. It is my responsibility to protect them and lead them. I will never give up.”
How do you … train new believers to face persecution?
“[I make it] very clear that we are coming together to worship the Lord. We have a clear vision to spread churches. I use my experience [with persecution] to teach them.”
“Our first rule is: never run away. If I run away, I become a betrayer to Jesus and these people.”
“We used to hate the authorities who persecuted us. [After a meeting] with five other church leaders, I said we should change the way we are with [the authorities]—try to talk about the good things about them. We should show them Christ’s love. We should show them that we love Vietnam and want to build up the country.”
“I inform them this is not an easy faith. They will face trials. I bring them along with me to see how I handle things so that they will know how to count the cost.”
“I explain why persecution happens. [I tell them to] pray and study the Bible to grow in faith. If they spend time with God, they can stand firm.”
How do you … pray for Vietnam and fellow believers?
“[I pray that] the Lord will still keep persecution in Vietnam. We don’t pray for it to go away or for freedom. We pray for the gospel to have freedom to break through barriers. [Through this I want to] excite the younger generation and raise up faithful workers who will go through difficult circumstances.”
“I pray for the authorities because they do things contrary to God’s word. We pray for them to have a chance to repent.”
Join these church leaders in praying for the peoples of Vietnam, especially the persecuted believers who face opposition daily for their faith.