The Muong are animistic, worshipping numerous spirits, including the spirits of their ancestors, local heroes, the village, and the land. Out of more than 1.6 million Muong people, only a small number are believers; however, church planting efforts have begun among this people group.

For more on the Muong people, visit our people groups page.

A prayer for the Muong People:

Heavenly Father, we want to pray for the Muong people who live in northern Vietnam. Lord, they are living in lives of bondage to spirits and superstitions. Please free them from this darkness. Please reveal your truth to the 1.6 million Muong people. May they all become followers of your Son, Jesus. Lord, we pray for the small group of Muong Christians. They have trouble gathering together to worship you for fear of persecution. Father please give them boldness to stand for you and strengthen them as they face opposition for their faith. Help them to boldly proclaim the gospel to other Muong people who do not believe or have never heard. Father we pray that soon there would be groups in every Muong village who worship you, the Most High God. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Throughout the month of May 2015, we are asking individuals, families, groups of friends, small groups, and churches to join with us and commit to pray for the peoples of Vietnam. We will be posting stories and sharing ways to pray daily through the blog, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also download a prayer guide and other resources here.