Nov 25, 2015 | People Groups, Unreached, UPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM UNREACHED: THE LATI OF VIETNAM There is no known Christian among the 13,000 Lati people living in northern Vietnam. The Lati (also known as Lachi) are animists, worshiping a myriad of spirits and gods. A communal house sits in the midst of every Lati...
Nov 11, 2015 | Church Leaders, Interview, Persecution, Prayer
PRAY FOR VIETNAM How Do You ...? We asked. They answered honestly and with conviction. Read the words from Vietnamese church leaders below as they tell us what life is like as a Christian in Vietnam. *Note: Names and other information has been omitted for security...
Nov 4, 2015 | Celebration, Culture, Family
PRAY FOR VIETNAM A FAMILY AFFAIR The young bride readied herself to leave her family’s house forever. Her mother adorned her with blue, white and yellow flowers as the bride looked at her reflection in the mirror, admiring the beautiful silk dress that her grandmother...
Oct 28, 2015 | People Groups, Unreached, UPG
PRAY FOR VIETNAM UNREACHED: THE PA HNG OF VIETNAM A typical Pa Hng home is only complete with an ancestor altar. The Pa Hng (also called Pa Then) are avid ancestor worshippers, often calling on the spirits of the dead to share in feasts and protect the family from...
Oct 21, 2015 | City, Hanoi
PRAY FOR VIETNAM VIETNAM'S MAJOR CITIES: HANOI Name: Hanoi Significance: Capital of Vietnam and second largest city Population: Approximately 6.5 million in metro area; 2.6 million in urban districts History: King Minh Mang created the province of Hanoi in 1831, which...